Intended Use, Indications and Contraindications, and Known Risks

SOLIUS® Light Therapy is intended to stimulate the production of endogenous vitamin D.

SOLIUS devices are currently under development and are not yet licensed by Health Canada or cleared by the FDA.

Indication for Use 

SOLIUS Light Therapy is indicated for use for adults 18 years of age and older. 

Contraindications for Use 

SOLIUS Light Therapy is contraindicated for the following conditions: 

  • You have been diagnosed with UV light allergies (also known as “sun allergy”): Actinic prurigo (hereditary PMLE), Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), or Solar urticaria 

  • You have been diagnosed with UV light sensitivities: Protoporphyria (EEP), UV-sensitive syndrome, Photodermatitis, Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Lupus erythematosus, or Actinic dermatitis 

Important Information 

There are some conditions and circumstances where UVB phototherapy may result in harm. We recommend consulting your doctor to evaluate whether SOLIUS Light Therapy is suitable for you if: 

  • You have a history of skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma or recurring basal or squamous cell carcinomas 

  • You are currently taking a photosensitizing medication (See the Photosensitizing Medications section of this user manual for a full list of medications and products.) 

  • You have hyperthyroidism 

  • You have a history of arsenic therapy, x-ray or grenz ray therapy 

  • You have a condition that makes you unable to tolerate prolonged standing 

  • You have florid tuberculosis or other florid processes 

  • You have aphakia, due to the increased risk of retinal damage resulting from the absence of lens in the eye 

  • You are receiving concomitant therapy (topical or systemic) with known photosensitizing agents for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma 

  • You have received a significant amount of UV exposure within the last 24 hours as this could increase risk of burn.